No I wouldn't
Actually I'd rather have 6 Waffles. On Top of that they have to be the REALLY Good kind from IHOP. Also, Why the Fuck not have Waffles and Pancakes? Why The Fuck not? AND I want Jam on them, actually no. Syrup. I Want Syrup, Canadian Maple Syrup. And Somebody has to have died in the process of the making of this syrup, for it to be enjoyable at all. ALSO I want Butter, Because If it has no Butter, than Why the Fuck do I want anything? WHY!? I Want all of this Now, AND YOU have to Personally Deliver it to Me. ON TOP of All this, it has to be Completely Free, Wait No! You Fucking Pay Me! 10 Dollars, Canadian Dollars, I don't want no fucking Pesos or some stupid shit.
So When I Receive these Waffles and Pancakes, I Will Personally Review your Movie. Untill the Time Being you will Receive a 10 on your Score, and a Short Comment. "This Movie is Fucking PIMP!" FUCK YEAH!